Unlocking the endless possibilities of using Apple’s Keynote in your classroom.
What our teachers think:
Alet Mari Grobbelaar
Read LessCourse curriculum
Introduction to Keynote
1. Navigating Keynote
2. Shapes and Drawing Tools
3. Digital Modules
4. Sharing vs. Exporting
5. Gif or Jif
6. Posters in Keynote
7. Magic Move
Creating with Keynote Quiz
About this course
- 9 lessons
- 1.5 hours of video content
Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, you will:
Navigate Keynote effectively to create versatile presentations.
Use Keynote to create teaching and learning resources such as videos and interactive worksheets that are personalized to the needs of your learners.
Unlocking and incorporating the use of digital skills into lessons across the curriculum.
You will receive a certificate of completion for Creating with Keynote. You will receive 10 SACE points.
This course is part of our CPTD Bundle.