Watch Intro Video

This video will give you an overview of Pixar’s filmmaking pipeline and prepare you to dive deeper into the STEAM topics that follow in the Pixar in a Box curriculum.

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to Storytelling

    2. We are all storytellers

    3. Activity 1: Expressing memories

    4. Your favourite stories

    5. Activity 2: Your three favorite films

    6. What if

    7. Activity 3: What if...

    8. World & Character

    9. Activity 4: Characters & worlds

    10. Advice for storytellers

    11. Glossary: Storytelling

    1. Pixar in a Box- Character Development

    2. Warm up activity

    3. Internal vs. external features

    4. Activity 1: Internal & external features

    5. Wants vs. needs

    6. Activity 2: Wants vs. needs

    7. Obstacles

    8. Activity 3: Obstacles

    9. Character arc

    10. Activity 4: Character arc

    11. Stakes

    12. Activity 5: Stakes

    13. Advice on characters

    14. Glossary: Character

    1. Introduction to structure

    2. Story spine

    3. Activity 1: Beats

    4. Theme

    5. Activity 2: Theme

    6. Act 1

    7. Activity 3: Act 1

    8. Act 2

    9. Activity 4: Act 2

    10. Act 3

    11. Activity 5: Act 3

    12. Advice

    13. Glossary: Story structure

    1. Introduction to visual language

    2. Line

    3. Activity 1: Lines

    4. Shape

    5. Activity 2: Shape

    6. Space

    7. Activity 3: Space

    8. Motion

    9. Activity 4: Movement

    10. Tone

    11. Activity 5: Tone

    12. Colour

    13. Activity 6: Colour

    14. Advice on visual language

    15. Glossary: Visual language

    1. Introduction to film grammar

    2. Major vs. minor beats

    3. Activity 1: Major and minor beats

    4. Basic shot types

    5. Activity 2: Basic shot types

    6. Extreme shots

    7. Activity 3: Extreme & angles

    8. Dynamics shots

    9. Activity 4: Dynamic shots

    10. Storyboarding

    11. Activity 5: Storyboarding

    12. Advice on film grammar

    13. Glossary: Film grammar

    1. Introduction to pitching and feedback

    2. Pitching

    3. Activity 1: Pitching

    4. Giving feedback

    5. Activity 2: Feedback

    6. Digesting feedback

    7. Activity 3: Digesting feedback

    8. Storyreels

    9. Activity 4: Storyreels

    10. Advice on editing

    11. Glossary: Pitching

About this course

  • 77 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content

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