In this four-week course, you’ll explore new ways to teach digital literacies with videogames, helping you to use videogames and game design as an educational tool.
Course curriculum
Welcome to the course!
Let’s meet our lead educator
What is your videogame biography?
Emerging questions and debates about playing videogames in childhood
What is your videogame biography?
What kinds of play do children do in videogames?
Categorising different types of digital play
Playing in the pandemic
What is Minecraft?
The Minecraft Club; playing videogames at school
The Minecraft Club; playing videogames at school (part 2)
Exploring difficult issues in Minecraft
Minecraft: A Parent and Folklorist Perspective
Interpreting children's Minecraft play
An introduction to CRESST and their focus on conflict
Can playing videogames help develop problem solving?
Can children resolve conflict using videogames?
Videogames and friendships
Videogames and friendships
Claims and assumptions about videogames and childhood
End of week review
Welcome to Week 2
Character types
Digital media and identity
Designing avatars
Building characters and avatars for video

About this course
- 75 lessons
- 3.5 hours of video content
Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
Explore the role of videogames in childhood
Critique negative preconceptions about game playing
Create activities to support children's learning