Our total beginner’s introduction for teachers to coding, using the BBC micro:bit and the micro:bit MakeCode Editor. Taking an open-source platform for creating engaging computer science learning experiences that supports a progression path into real-world programming. Existing users can use this course as a refresher, to remind themselves of terminology and methodology.
Course curriculum
Introduction to Teaching with micro:bits Beginner Workshop
Who are we?
What is the history of the micro:bit?
Why we chose micro:bit
What's possible with the BBC micro:bit?
Where does MakeCode and the BBC micro:bit fit into the curriculum?
What is a computer and how does it work?
What is Coding?
What is Robotics?
What is blockly?
What is Computational thinking?
What is an algorithm?
Creating your first algorithm - lets practice and then you try!
The difference between Algorithm, Pseudocode and Program
Accessing and downloading the micro:bit MakeCode Editor
Introduction to Makecode
The block Library
The Work Area
The Simulator
Creating your first program
Saving a .hex file
Importing programs into micro:bit MakeCode
Sharing .hex files
A closer look at the micro:bit
Safety briefing for the BBC micro:bit
Starting your BBC micro:bit for the first time
Connecting your BBC micro:bit to a computer
Connecting your BBC micro:bit to a iOS device
Connecting your BBC micro:bit to an android device
The BBC micro:bit processor
Inputs and Outputs of the BBC micro:bit
Inputs 1 - the obvious ones.
Inputs 2 - the hidden ones.
Inputs 3- the sensors

About this course
- 50 lessons
- 2.5 hours of video content
Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, you will:
Be able to load and use your BBC micro:bit with MakeCode
Be able to see where the BBC micro:bit and MakeCode fit into the CAPS curriculum
Understand basic concepts used throughout coding and robotics
Be able to deliver a lesson using the various teaching tools available
Access the predesigned curriculum to deliver content to your students