Time management and stress management are two key components to succeeding in life. Creating a system to identify, evaluate, and eliminate distractors and stressors will lead to a more productive and efficient life, inside and outside of work. In this course, you will learn how to earn more time and be less stressed.
Course curriculum
Understanding Time Management: Everyone Has a 24-hour Day
Understanding Time Management: Everyone Has a 24-hour Day
Top 10 Time Management Tips
Time Management
Mark McGuinness' "Time Management for Creative People"
Mark McGuinness' "Time Management for Creative People"
Personal To Do List Activity
Assessment: Time Management
Decide What is Important and How Important it Is
Time, Workflow, and Getting Things Done
ABCD Prioritizing Your Tasks and Activities
How to Stay Organized at Work and Prioritize Tasks for Business
Setting Priorities
How to Reduce the 3 REAL Causes of Stress
How to Deal with Stress: 3 Actionable Tips that Work
How Can a Tomato Help You Stop Procrastinating?
Pomodoro Method for Productivity
Study and Learning Skills: The Myth of Multitasking
Multitasking vs. a 100% Commitment
Time Estimate Activity
Coping with Stress
Stress Management Strategies for Thriving in a Fast-Paced Workplace (or World)
How to Stay Focused in the Workplace
Resources for Dealing with Stress

About this course
- 25 lessons
- 3.5 hours of video content
Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
use a to-do list;
organize priorities;
identify what is urgent;
identify stress responses;
identify and eliminate distractors;
discuss the importance of goal setting;
discuss the importance of time tracking;
differentiate between multitasking and task management;
define attention span; and
evaluate different coping strategies.