All Courses, Teacher Training, Google
Inspire Ideas Collaboratively with Jamboard
4.0 average rating (2 reviews)Using Jamboard, you can generate ideas and share concepts with others online.
All Courses, Teacher Training, Google
Create Self-marking Quizzes with Google Forms
4.0 average rating (1 review)Learn how to make self marking quizzes using Google Forms
All Courses, Teacher Training, Google
Create Engaging Presentations with Google Slides
3.8 average rating (4 reviews)Google Slides makes your ideas shine with a variety of presentation themes, hundreds of fonts, embedded video, animations, and much more. Learn how to create really engaging presentations in this course.
All Courses, Teacher Training, Google
Engage Students with Video using YouTube
4.0 average rating (2 reviews)Using YouTube you can source captivating videos that you can collate and share with your students.
All Courses, Teacher Training, Google
Bring Student Work Online with Google Classroom
4.6 average rating (5 reviews)Bring Student Work Online with Google Classroom
All Courses, Teacher Training, Google
Basic Online Skills with Google
4.5 average rating (4 reviews)This course will help you understand how best to search smarter, research better and become more productive within Chrome.