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All Courses, Edutech
Prepare to run a Code Club
This short course will give you the confidence and skills to run an in person Code Club for young people and inspire the next generation to get excited about computing and digital making.
All Courses, Teacher Training, Edutech
Teaching with BBC micro:bits - Beginners
4.5 average rating (2 reviews)Our total beginner’s introduction for teachers to coding, using the BBC micro:bit and micro:bit MakeCode Editor. Creating engaging computer science learning experiences that supports a progression path into real-world programming.
All Courses, Teacher Training, Edutech
Teaching with Tinkercad
Using Tinkercad, teachers can teach students concepts revolving around design, 3D printing, electronics and coding. This course empowers teachers to be able to use the app successfully to deliver lessons within their classrooms.
All Courses, Teacher Training, Edutech
Learn to teach Scratch Jr.
3.0 average rating (1 review)ScratchJr is a visual programming language designed to introduce programming skills to children ages 5–7. By creating projects in ScratchJr, young children can learn to think creatively and reason systematically, despite not being able to read.
All Courses, Teacher Training, Edutech
Intro to Computer Science
4.8 average rating (28 reviews)Learn about basic computer science concepts like algorithms, binary, programming languages, and more.
All Courses, Teacher Training, Edutech
Introduction to Using the Virtual Robotics Toolkit (VRT)
3.5 average rating (2 reviews)Robotics can be hard, and expensive but this course challenges those ideas to show you that robotics can be both cheap and easy, and fun! In this course you will learn, how to use the Virtual Robotic Toolkit (VRT) and its accessory programs.
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All Courses, Teacher Training, Edutech
Blue-Bots in the classroom - Beginner Workshop
As a participant, you will explore the features of the Blue-Bots and the learning benefits of robotics more broadly, as well as experience a variety of practical and differentiated applications to implement in your own classroom.