Bring Student Work Online with Google Classroom
4.6 average rating (5 reviews)Bring Student Work Online with Google Classroom
Basic Online Skills with Google
4.5 average rating (4 reviews)This course will help you understand how best to search smarter, research better and become more productive within Chrome.
Delivering Lessons Remotely using Microsoft Office 365
3.0 average rating (1 review)This course has been developed in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
The Recorded Live Webinars Section
Here you can watch any and all live sessions we have attended or delivered that have to do with Ed Tech! A value-add we are bringing to all our CPTD bundle clients.
Making eBooks Using Book Creator
3.5 average rating (2 reviews)eBooks are a great way of producing multimedia projects in the classroom and then publishing them easily, enabling them to be read by an authentic audience. This publishing tool can be used on iPads, Chromebooks and internet browsers.
An introduction to using Popplet in the Classroom
4.5 average rating (6 reviews)This course will be introducing the uses of the Popplet app in the classroom.
Hybrid Hacks with MS365
4.0 average rating (2 reviews)Using MS365 tried and tested free apps to make lessons effortlessly fun.
PowerPoint 365 Essentials
5.0 average rating (1 review)All you need to know about Microsoft 365 PowerPoint essentials.
Creative Design using Colour
4.5 average rating (4 reviews)This course was designed for individuals in need of some branding and design tips and tricks. Here you will explore the first element of creative design…Colour.
Microsoft Forms Essentials
4.0 average rating (2 reviews)Get an overview of how to use Microsoft Forms, create design apply and receive, all making your classroom more interactive.
Excel 2016 Essentials
3.0 average rating (2 reviews)All you need to know about the essentials for Excel 2016
Stream Video Sharing
4.0 average rating (1 review)Increase your effectiveness with an introduction to the Hardware, Software, and Pedagogy of the eBeam, learn how to construct basic lessons, integrate multimedia, and deliver more effective lessons.
Using Technology to Support Literacy
4.5 average rating (2 reviews)This course will provide an introduction in using technology to support Literacy in the classroom. It take learners on a journey from planning through producing and on to publishing their work.
Using Microsoft PowerPoint to support remote learning.
4.0 average rating (1 review)Narrations, annotations, and timings can enhance a presentation and help engage and maintain a student's interest. And then create a video for Flipped, Hybrid, or even just revision.
Wakelet 101
5.0 average rating (1 review)Wakelet is a digital curation platform that lets teachers and students organize a mix of content for easy access.
Plickers 101
3.0 average rating (1 review)Plickers is a rapid-response classroom-polling app that lets teachers use one mobile device to scan paper cards for student responses.
Using iPads in the Classroom as a novice
5.0 average rating (1 review)This course is designed to give you an introduction to iPads and how they can be used in an educational environment.
Flipgrid / Flip 101
4.0 average rating (2 reviews)This TTA and TASA course will train and equip all participants on how to use Flipgrid effectively in their pedagogical approach for the modern and technology-infused classroom of today.